Hello Blogger Sex Love and Washing Clothes followers! I have moved to Sexloveandwashingclothes.com click over and follow. I need to figure out how to move this blog over to the new site but I am out of blogging time for today! Time to get real work done!
Ruby is "just a mom" trying to keep The Hubs and Kids happy and the house running smoothly. She is challenging herself to Have Sex, Love and Wash Clothes (aka clean house) everyday in 2015! She is writing about it everyday candidly and honestly as she journeys through #Everyday2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
OMG It has been a shitty day! The Hubs and I had an argument the other night and it seems to be lingering longer than it was welcome!
Let's review the Four Agreements:
1. Be Impeccable with your words.
2. Don't take things personally.
3. Don't make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.

Let's just leave it like that. This is a good book I hope the day is better for you all and myself after the Hub's late night class he teaches! I am so frustrated that I just can't even speak or put together a blog post.
Let's review the Four Agreements:
1. Be Impeccable with your words.
2. Don't take things personally.
3. Don't make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.
Let's just leave it like that. This is a good book I hope the day is better for you all and myself after the Hub's late night class he teaches! I am so frustrated that I just can't even speak or put together a blog post.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Time To Plan a Reboot!
Today is Sunday! It is the day of the Daytona 500! I used to be stoked about that day but we have got busy and NASCAR became kind of boring lately, or maybe it is just boring when you can't follow and keep up with it, it can be very time consuming because it is a long season. But it is something to occupy Sunday's when nothing else is going on (I miss football) and you know me any reason to have a party! I think I will be going to get wings and snacks for the race, yes it has started already but it is the Daytona 500 it will be on for a while!
Today I am having a feeling that I don't want to do anything. I am having a hard time getting motivated. I just want to hang with my family. I have bridal shower for a great close and wonderful friend but I am not feeling social at all. I wonder if I can take her out for lunch or for drinks or something one day to make up for it. I have been busy and this weekend if you are a regular reader you have heard and seen with my late posts (9pm last night) is shows how busy I was. I think my friend will understand, I just don't know if I will. This is the struggle I have a lot of times. It is an important day, your bridal shower day, but family is important and I haven't had time with the Hubs or the boy at all this weekend, and next weekend the Girl and I will be at a dance convention so probably won't see them next week either. I need some quality time with them. But my friend will only have one Bridal Shower, ever but I am pretty sure she knows the struggle and always is understanding. She is one who I feel is honest with me when she can't make something happen with me and I can be honest with her too. Anyway I will be contemplating this all day.
I have had a lot going on and love it. However, I want some down time. I want a day that the Hubs and I can just lay in bed all day. When we have those days, we don't just lay in bed all day, we fuck, we make love, and we have sex. Yes those are pretty much the same thing but are also very different! I love the days you don't have to decide which one you will have to do. You can have crazy mad love take a cuddle break and then just be raw and fuck and then repeat as desired, and then, right before you get up at 5 pm or so, you can end it with "Let's have sex one last time" just to finish off. I want that day where we have no kids home or even coming home. Where we get up at 5 pm right before we get ready to go out to dinner and a date then come home and have crazy mad fucking love again before we go to sleep. Maybe even have some outdoor naked time... just have more than 24 hours to do nothing unless we want to and have no responsibilities! Grams and Gramps will be home from AZ soon and I am sure we can talk to them about taking the kiddos for a weekend or so, wonder if I can talk the Hubs into letting the Boy skip a Saturday Baseball practice....
A mini vacation to Vegas or Portland would be fun too. We have to decide do we want to take some of the time to drive or fly to a location or just to be lazy... Hmmm.... But then we would have to pay for it too...
I think this may sound like I am complaining. I am just having a rough time and I think a little vacation or break might be needed! I love my life, being a stay at home mom (soon to be part time working mom), having my kids busy and being proud of them, taking care of the house being there to give the Hubs a kiss when he comes in the door ... I do love everything about my life. Sometimes we all get overwhelmed and I am starting to realize that, I need a reboot! We all do. Sometimes we need to get creative to make it happen due to schedules, finances, kids, jobs etc. But bottom line, I am right there needing that reboot. I need to make it happen ASAP before things get too bad and I end up hating my life or at least before I get resentful about all the things that stress me out! So in the next month I need to make my reboot happen! I need to make that a priority because if I need it, I bet the Hubs does too!
Time to plan a reboot and be able to be 100% happy in my life and not make excuses to not participate with people I love and in activities that I love because I am overwhelmed! Plan to succeed in life and right now to succeed a reboot is necessary! Even just the planning will help relieve the stress and overwhelm feeling, just don't over plan and make that stressful (I never do that...yes, that was sarcasm). Basically I need to plan a weekend for the 'Rents to take the kiddos the rest will just happen! Happy Rebooting folks! Today I will just be, and not beat myself for the things I cannot do. I am only one person I do need to take care of me and the rest will understand! Love you all and Happy Bridal Shower Day to my friend!
P.S. This was kind of a ramble today... I know that it is a bit of a bi-product of how I am feeling overwhelmed and not 100% into anything lately. Hope you enjoy it and I have a hunch many of you can relate, which is why you read in the first place, right?
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Childlike Excitement
Oh my word! What a Saturday today was. I had planned on getting up early, catching up on house work, publishing my blog and then tackle this busy day. Well was up a little to late last night and fell into the temptation to just sleep in until I absolutely had to get up. So I publish my blog at 9pm which is kind of fun and interestingly different perspective of my day. I kind of like it!
Today the Girl got her first Demi Point Shoes. Demi point is also sometimes called Pre-Point. It is the shoe you get when you are dancing well enough to train to be on Point. It was a very emotionally proud mommy day. I was on the verge of tears a few times. So proud of the work she has put in. So proud of the excitement and dedication she has put into her dance. She is the same little girl who loved to dance on stage on the very first performance she was in.
Her very first stage performance was with a Mommy and Me Class. The Girl was 2. We did a Freestyle Scarf Dance to My Favorite Things. The Moms were in a circle and we waved the scarves around and let the kiddos run around and wave their scarves too, they were so cute. The Girl and her Bestie in that class bumped into each other as they danced around. As everyone in the audience clapped at the finish The Girl was the last one to exit the stage because she stopped and clapped with the audience! It was so cute! Her smile and excitement was and still is contagious! We had created a monster
I hope she continues that excitement and contagious energy in everything she does. It makes me so proud to watch her grow in dance and in life! As much as I loved having babies and every stage since I am still enjoying my school age kids just as much. It is a true blessing to watch them grow and move through the stages of life! I will never be sad about it I will just enjoy the moment and cherish those memories!
Stay in your life everyone. Enjoy it as much as a child enjoys every minute. My kids are getting to the age where the innocent child like enjoyment of life starts to be altered with embarrassment and the idea of knowing someone else is watching them and they might look funny. The Girl and The Boy have both had moments where they filter their behavior because the know someone is watching them and they might be scared of what the people might think, but I still get to seethe moments they still have that childlike excitement and just live out loud like no one is watching. Those moments they are dancing like no one is watching. We should all "dance" like no one is watching! Finish your weekend (and live your life) like a child, like you don't know that anyone is watching. Enjoy, smile, laugh and be silly! Stop and clap with the audience because you are that awesome!
Today the Girl got her first Demi Point Shoes. Demi point is also sometimes called Pre-Point. It is the shoe you get when you are dancing well enough to train to be on Point. It was a very emotionally proud mommy day. I was on the verge of tears a few times. So proud of the work she has put in. So proud of the excitement and dedication she has put into her dance. She is the same little girl who loved to dance on stage on the very first performance she was in.
Her very first stage performance was with a Mommy and Me Class. The Girl was 2. We did a Freestyle Scarf Dance to My Favorite Things. The Moms were in a circle and we waved the scarves around and let the kiddos run around and wave their scarves too, they were so cute. The Girl and her Bestie in that class bumped into each other as they danced around. As everyone in the audience clapped at the finish The Girl was the last one to exit the stage because she stopped and clapped with the audience! It was so cute! Her smile and excitement was and still is contagious! We had created a monster
I hope she continues that excitement and contagious energy in everything she does. It makes me so proud to watch her grow in dance and in life! As much as I loved having babies and every stage since I am still enjoying my school age kids just as much. It is a true blessing to watch them grow and move through the stages of life! I will never be sad about it I will just enjoy the moment and cherish those memories!
Stay in your life everyone. Enjoy it as much as a child enjoys every minute. My kids are getting to the age where the innocent child like enjoyment of life starts to be altered with embarrassment and the idea of knowing someone else is watching them and they might look funny. The Girl and The Boy have both had moments where they filter their behavior because the know someone is watching them and they might be scared of what the people might think, but I still get to seethe moments they still have that childlike excitement and just live out loud like no one is watching. Those moments they are dancing like no one is watching. We should all "dance" like no one is watching! Finish your weekend (and live your life) like a child, like you don't know that anyone is watching. Enjoy, smile, laugh and be silly! Stop and clap with the audience because you are that awesome!
Friday, February 20, 2015
Busy Friday... Late post
Today's post is late because I have been busy. I had a great coffee with the ladies/Intro to Young Living Essential Oils Class that I taught. Now I am heading to pick up used bowling pins for wrestler end of season gifts (team mom job) then we have baseball practice (I am also team mom) and another Young Living class... Then kids to Grandma and Date with the Hubs!
As I listened in my second Young Living class today, taught by my team leader, I use her notes when I teach, we say a lot of the same things and I got a reminder of things I had forgotten about. Was fun to spend some time with new people learning about how oils can enhance our lives. I also noticed an interesting energy that got me emotional as she spoke about wearing some of the oils over her heart. I am going to try to use my oils more consistently and try to avoid the meds I blogged about this earlier this week. Maybe it will work for me (disclaimer Essential Oils and/or reps cannot and do not diagnose or treat any medical conditions, see your doctor before going off or avoiding any prescribed meds I am not a doctor do not think I know it all, I am just a mom with an opinion and an ego).
I had a Zyto Scan which scans your energy field gives you oily suggestions to help re-balance and I had something like 37 things out of balance and the Zyto suggestion was Brain Power and Peppermint <SHOCKING>. I have both and I use them a lot. However recently I have forgotten to use my Brain Power and usually use Peppermint as a driver oil on everything else. Shocking that I would forget to use Brain Power, right?! Not really that shocking!
Anyway there is my day and now my blog. I am going to go be present with my husband and kids until we drop the kids off with Grandma! Yay for Grandma sleepovers! Then later we are going to try some more moves from our new book! I am so excited to have no kids tonight...(I can use my Seahawks voice hehe)
Whew! Thank goodness for my coffee dates today and new oily friends! And for the Hubs for understanding my struggling this week and being patient about my craziness! I love him Happy Friday Everyone!!!!
Hope you have some good weekend sex!
Thursday, February 19, 2015
"X-Rated" Your Hump Day Challenge A Day Late
Happy Thursday Happy Day after Hump Day and a Hump Day Challenge. Last night the Hubs and I went on our "Date Night" I believe every couple should have a once a week date night. Even if it has to be date night in your living room. For Date Night this week we went to the mall and to our favorite restaurant Silver City (highly recommend Silver City Restaurant and Brewery) We had to go to the mall to get my glasses fixed and wondered a bit. Any reason to go to Silverdale for a meal at Silver City is all we need to make it our date night adventure! Love that place!
While in the mall we strolled through Spencer's. I heard someone say the other day that Spencer's has sex toys and books in there. I mentioned that I wanted to get sex dice for this week's Hump Day Challenge, so the Hub's suggested we go there and check the place out. I am glad we did. We not only found sex dice. (Did you know there are many different types of Sex dice?) We also found a book called 365 Sex Moves by Randi Foxx. I have never heard of this book before or Randi Foxx but this book called to me! Duh, obviously it would because I am doing Sex Love and Washing Clothes everyday...365 days of sex so of course I want a 365 Sex Moves book! I grabbed it and flipped through it first
There are not only 365 creative, enticing and fun sex moves in multiple positions there are some amazing photos of each move and there are some great explanations of each move as well! All have very creative titles like 'Deep "C" Dive' 'Rock, Scissors, Pleasure' Parallel Parking' 'Peaks and Valley' for a few examples and are all numbered by day so I figured out that yesterday was the 50th day of the year so we tried the 50th move called X-rated. This is your Hump Day Challenge Here is the explanation from the book: "She's on her side with her legs apart. He comes up to meet her in a slightly reclined pose. They lace their legs under and over, making and "X". Penetration angles can be altered with the slightest of movements." Great explanation right? It was fun to try and it was great to have a picture to help, This is your Hump Day Challenge for this week. I was going to make it more detailed but really how can I get more detailed than that? I did a quick Google search for a website for Randi Foxx and did not find one so here is a picture of the book and you can choose your own way of finding or purchasing it, if you'd like.
There are some really great moves in this book. There are so many things I want to try! I will be referring to this book for inspiration for this blog as well as to add spice to my sex life and to keep Sex Love and Washing Clothes everyday interesting. If only someone could write a book so intriguing about Washing Clothes, with pictures as good, my life would be heaven. ....hey, I think I just got an idea for my first book (wink).
So there you have it X-rated try it see how you like it. I am going to try it again and adjust for positioning of my bum hip. I will figure it out before the end of this year...or my hip will get better! I can't wait to try another new move! I am so excited! Have a great day my friends! Enjoy!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
All We Need Is Love...Right?
(OMG I just went on this whole rant and forgot it is Wednesday which means Hump Day Challenge...oops. This week's Hump Day Challenge will be tomorrow, my bad I have real work to do around my house and errands, tomorrow folks....it will be good I promise)
Happy Ash Wednessday! (do people say that I hope i am not offending anyone) Now, I am not Catholic but I am giving up white flour and sugary carbs and candy for lent! I have already kept myself from consuming an English muffin and Nutella this morning for lent. I am so out of control with my food issues that I need something to commit to and rules to follow to make good food choices. After Easter (which is when lent ends right?) I will make slow reintroduction and not over indulge in theses types of foods or use them to comfort and/or calm my emotions...that's gonna take work for now I will just follow my lent rules. I could have promise to do laundry everyday...oh weight I already did that...LOL
A week and a half to two weeks from now I will be a part time working full time mom. The Hubs reminded me of that and I got this depressed feeling that over came me. I don't know if I will ever like that Working mom or part time title nor will I ever get my house running like the well oil machine that I want. My Doc yesterday suggested I try taking sertraline an oral medication to help with what she calls my "overwhelm" and to see if helps me over the hump. I am scared to death to take depression drugs. My Doc says I have this overwhelm which leads to anxiety about what is not getting done which leads to depression. Ok, makes sense but is there really a magic pill? Do I have to take it?
I am scared it is going to cause me to have horrible thoughts of suicide which it says has happened in some users or that I am going to forget to take it and go on a crazy killing spree like in an article that I have read about. In said article the author referred to every mass killing suspect has been on some sort of mental health drug. Which is the reason I took myself off Ritalin for my ADD (I think on ly one was related to Ritalin). I hate the pharmaceutical option for every single ailment we have in this day and age! I want to wake up and be normal and do what I want because the human body is a miraculous thing and works so well or does it? I don't want to have to take drugs or even supplements. I use Essential Oils which are great but once again I don't want to have to take something every day! However I would like to feel "normal" and not need to use food or drink for comfort or argue with my self to get out and run and clean my house and do what I need to do....
I want to believe I can regulate my moods and everyone can fix there problems with diet, exercise, natural things from the earth like essential oils ect... Problem being you actually have to eat right, exercise. What about if your ailment is a problem in the actual get up and go, to do what is right then what the fuck is a person to do? And how about those of us who forget to take their meds? ...Oh my gosh this whole writing might be convincing me that I do need to be on something to be normal! But how is "normal" taking drugs to regulate or alter your brains chemistry?! Can we adjust our lives, our expectations of people to accept them the way they are rather than force them to be "normal"? If we all could go with the flow and pick up the slack where the others leave and not get bitter about it....Fuck that will never happen, we do need medications so that we crazies don't irritate the normals of the world. Or are the normals of the world the ones who need to be medicated or at least be less irritated?!
Tolerance is what we need. Regulation is what we need. Balance is what we need! Maybe some of us need outside help, in the form of correct nutrition, essential oils or supplements or even medication to achieve that balance. I am currently struggling with ego right now, I think! I hate the whole trial and error with meds. I just want an easy answer. I am encouraged to know many of my fellow "crazies" (please don't take offense to that term it is very much a term of endearment) have used medication and have normalized their life and many have only had to use them to get over a hump, which if I do finally decide to try the meds this will be my intentional plan as well. To the normals of the world please understand, to us crazies you are the ones who are crazy. We can't figure out how you are normal. We love you very much and we pray that we could be more like you everyday, but know that together we create balance. Let's be nicer to each other and understand each others world as much as possible and then maybe just maybe, then we could lose the label of crazies and normals and just be humans. We all have challenges, lets love each other out of them, instead of medicating each other out of them!
All we need is love, ditch the ego. Fuck stress have more sex...(I have wanted to use that line for weeks it seemed to fit here) Have a great rest of the day lovely's!
Happy Ash Wednessday! (do people say that I hope i am not offending anyone) Now, I am not Catholic but I am giving up white flour and sugary carbs and candy for lent! I have already kept myself from consuming an English muffin and Nutella this morning for lent. I am so out of control with my food issues that I need something to commit to and rules to follow to make good food choices. After Easter (which is when lent ends right?) I will make slow reintroduction and not over indulge in theses types of foods or use them to comfort and/or calm my emotions...that's gonna take work for now I will just follow my lent rules. I could have promise to do laundry everyday...oh weight I already did that...LOL
A week and a half to two weeks from now I will be a part time working full time mom. The Hubs reminded me of that and I got this depressed feeling that over came me. I don't know if I will ever like that Working mom or part time title nor will I ever get my house running like the well oil machine that I want. My Doc yesterday suggested I try taking sertraline an oral medication to help with what she calls my "overwhelm" and to see if helps me over the hump. I am scared to death to take depression drugs. My Doc says I have this overwhelm which leads to anxiety about what is not getting done which leads to depression. Ok, makes sense but is there really a magic pill? Do I have to take it?
I am scared it is going to cause me to have horrible thoughts of suicide which it says has happened in some users or that I am going to forget to take it and go on a crazy killing spree like in an article that I have read about. In said article the author referred to every mass killing suspect has been on some sort of mental health drug. Which is the reason I took myself off Ritalin for my ADD (I think on ly one was related to Ritalin). I hate the pharmaceutical option for every single ailment we have in this day and age! I want to wake up and be normal and do what I want because the human body is a miraculous thing and works so well or does it? I don't want to have to take drugs or even supplements. I use Essential Oils which are great but once again I don't want to have to take something every day! However I would like to feel "normal" and not need to use food or drink for comfort or argue with my self to get out and run and clean my house and do what I need to do....
I want to believe I can regulate my moods and everyone can fix there problems with diet, exercise, natural things from the earth like essential oils ect... Problem being you actually have to eat right, exercise. What about if your ailment is a problem in the actual get up and go, to do what is right then what the fuck is a person to do? And how about those of us who forget to take their meds? ...Oh my gosh this whole writing might be convincing me that I do need to be on something to be normal! But how is "normal" taking drugs to regulate or alter your brains chemistry?! Can we adjust our lives, our expectations of people to accept them the way they are rather than force them to be "normal"? If we all could go with the flow and pick up the slack where the others leave and not get bitter about it....Fuck that will never happen, we do need medications so that we crazies don't irritate the normals of the world. Or are the normals of the world the ones who need to be medicated or at least be less irritated?!
Tolerance is what we need. Regulation is what we need. Balance is what we need! Maybe some of us need outside help, in the form of correct nutrition, essential oils or supplements or even medication to achieve that balance. I am currently struggling with ego right now, I think! I hate the whole trial and error with meds. I just want an easy answer. I am encouraged to know many of my fellow "crazies" (please don't take offense to that term it is very much a term of endearment) have used medication and have normalized their life and many have only had to use them to get over a hump, which if I do finally decide to try the meds this will be my intentional plan as well. To the normals of the world please understand, to us crazies you are the ones who are crazy. We can't figure out how you are normal. We love you very much and we pray that we could be more like you everyday, but know that together we create balance. Let's be nicer to each other and understand each others world as much as possible and then maybe just maybe, then we could lose the label of crazies and normals and just be humans. We all have challenges, lets love each other out of them, instead of medicating each other out of them!
All we need is love, ditch the ego. Fuck stress have more sex...(I have wanted to use that line for weeks it seemed to fit here) Have a great rest of the day lovely's!
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Mom Life on Fat Tuesday
Happy Tuesday everyone! It's Fat Tuesday...Does that mean much to anyone? Do people really indulge the night before giving up something for lent? Maybe I should try this phenomena ... lent giving up something for is it still 40 days and 40 nights? I did dry January maybe I should do it for lent too, maybe I will just give up junk food, that is different that alcohol and there are no waivers allowed in lent either.... I have never been Catholic so I don't really know. Friends who I know are don't usually do Fat Tuesday but I know a friend who gave up swearing, using cuss words, for the duration of lent year. Every time she said a cuss word she had to put a quarter in the jar...Fuck! that would cost a lot of money. Actually at the time she did it I was telling her "man I have started cussing so much more lately." She said "I know me too, why do you think I did this?" I asked what she planned to do with the cussing fines, I would use it for new shoes or a trip or something, but she decided she would give it to the church. Oh yeah, that's what lent is for anyway isn't it?...
For this Fat Tuesday I am going to a team mom meeting to plan and end of season party, wonder if I can convince the mom's to take a celebratory shot, you know we should shouldn't we? It is Fat Tuesday, that's what people do on this day right? ...Most of these mom's don't know me super well, so I will probably keep my mouth shut so not to seem like the token alcoholic, but you won't see me turning down another mom's suggestion to do so.... The restaurant is in walking distance to my house and is on my running route, so if we mom's get crazy, the Hubs could grab me on his way home from teaching tonight and I could fetch the car on my run tomorrow. Hey I just figured out how to make sure I get my run in! Yay me!!!
Anyway, I am super excited to hang out with of one particular rock star mom tonight! She and I have chatted about needing a mom coffee date where we drink mimosas after sending the kids to school one day..it is no longer dry January and she is Catholic, so tonight might have to be "our night" if she is giving up drinking mimosas for lent. She does read my blog, at least use to, so, Dear Said Mom I am speaking of, if you are reading this before wrestling team mom meeting, we will be sneaking into the bar and taking a shot together!!! Nudge nudge hint hint...you don't need to comment on the post, just wink at me when we make eye contact tonight lady! Fun times on the docket for tonight!
Don't judge me folks today I had a good mommy day. It was a day off for the kids, Hubs is back to work after the three day weekend but the kids had a four day weekend. I started off with strawberry, chocolate chip pancakes, scored mom points right there. Then we had to do Dr's appointment for the Boy and I but had a break in between and during the break we adventured out to take a walk on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge! (It was beautiful, we have had amazingly pretty sunny weather here in western Washington!) They had never done that, more mom points right? However I think they were more impressed with dad taking them on the roof top of a building he was working at over the weekend, Dad's are always way cooler (eye roll). Then after my Dr appointment (which my Dr wants to put me on Zoloft..ugh I am resisting Rx in hand though, topic for another day) we went to the kids favorite restaurant in that area where they can watch the cooks make their pizza and the cooks were prepping basil and mozzarella for that basil mozzarella cheese and tomato appetizer thing...(yeah you know what I mean who really knows what it is called anyway, I just eat it. Oh, I just looked it up, looks like it is called Tomato Basil Mozzarella Appetizer, who knew?) it smelled yummy as we waited for our food. So yes major more mom points! And it came with Gelato! Yay more mom points! Have I mentioned my kids love language is food?
It was a great day for my kids and this here momma and still not over! Gotta go get the sitter for this evening since the Gramma forgot she can't do it, so instead of having 2 hours to blog and do some power cleaning I now only have about an hour but will probably stretch that to an hour and a half and not have as much time to get where I am going. It is just right around the corner! I did start laundry and if I get home in time to get the sitter home before the Hubs gets home, I am planning a surprise night for the hubby to come home to me sitting in my favorite comer of the couch sans clothing! ....ooh that is unless I do end up taking too many shots with the team moms and need him to meet me at the bar and pick me up...either way I guarantee he will enjoy whatever happens. And, I already got the OK from the sitter to stay out late because she is now home schooled and her mom says she can be a late night sitter if I need, any time, let's hope tonight counts as anytime (wink wink)
So Happy Fat Tuesday to you all enjoy your day and regardless of your religion indulge in something today, just because it was a beautiful day here and you deserve it, I scored enough mom points to share with you. So you can have some of mine!
Monday, February 16, 2015
One Beautiful Day Bonding
It is Monday at 7pm! It feels like Sunday since it was a three day weekend. Which I love and it is awesome to have the whole Fambam together, however it messes with my weekly schedule! It was beautiful day today here in Western Washington! So beautiful that, this whole weekend that we spent pretty much all day yesterday and all day today as a family outside cleaning up the yard and getting it ready for spring. We usually are already into baseball season by the time the weather is good for doing what we did today so it is a nice bonus to get going. We are going to have a good yard again this year!
It is about 2 weeks in the countdown until I go back to work two days a week. My "boss" has already offered to pay for a spot in the B & I to help me get a practice up and going and I am ready! However, I have a long list of projects that need to get done here around the house before the beginning of March. I should make a list... I need to clear clutter off my dresser in the master bedroom, clean the end of the hope chest out at the end of the hallway and figure out a better flow for that area, organize my baking cabinet and the kids craft stuff, and organize the linen closet... I will get this done and be ready with a clean organized house to go back to work. Then when I start working I will utilize every day I am off to be productive, and still have time for our girls lunch on Friday afternoons! ...a girl can dream right? Problem being I like to chill on the couch and procrastinate, I won't have that time to do so once I start back to work.So I will need to make every effort to be on task like every good mom does...haha right?
We got a good start today, I feel ready to go for the week. The family had some good family bonding time, over arguing who picked up more leaves and filling 14 55 gallon bags full of yard waste! What, not every family bonds this way? I should keep up on the house and yard work so we have more time together as a family. Wait...if I did that when would we get time to bond?! The Girl would be too busy painting her nails, The Boy would be playing video games and The Hubs would be schooling the Boy on the new Forza and I would be doing dishes and folding clothes....so yea I would prefer to argue over who picked up more pine cones... I am looking forward to the next day we all spend all day in the yard! I love those times! A family outing for just because would be fun too. No, I am not talking about a baseball game or dance performance or a trip to Seattle for mommy to do a run. A day to just go play as a family.... but yeah, we are busy and driven and our family thrives on those moments of busy-ness and we love every second so we will enjoy them as they come and just sit and dream about just going out just for fun... in the words of Matisuahu "One Day" (that is the song the Girl's dance team competes in the Lyrical division).
I love my life! I love my family! I love my husband! I love my kids! I love my blog! Have a great week everyone! Happy Monday!
It is about 2 weeks in the countdown until I go back to work two days a week. My "boss" has already offered to pay for a spot in the B & I to help me get a practice up and going and I am ready! However, I have a long list of projects that need to get done here around the house before the beginning of March. I should make a list... I need to clear clutter off my dresser in the master bedroom, clean the end of the hope chest out at the end of the hallway and figure out a better flow for that area, organize my baking cabinet and the kids craft stuff, and organize the linen closet... I will get this done and be ready with a clean organized house to go back to work. Then when I start working I will utilize every day I am off to be productive, and still have time for our girls lunch on Friday afternoons! ...a girl can dream right? Problem being I like to chill on the couch and procrastinate, I won't have that time to do so once I start back to work.So I will need to make every effort to be on task like every good mom does...haha right?
We got a good start today, I feel ready to go for the week. The family had some good family bonding time, over arguing who picked up more leaves and filling 14 55 gallon bags full of yard waste! What, not every family bonds this way? I should keep up on the house and yard work so we have more time together as a family. Wait...if I did that when would we get time to bond?! The Girl would be too busy painting her nails, The Boy would be playing video games and The Hubs would be schooling the Boy on the new Forza and I would be doing dishes and folding clothes....so yea I would prefer to argue over who picked up more pine cones... I am looking forward to the next day we all spend all day in the yard! I love those times! A family outing for just because would be fun too. No, I am not talking about a baseball game or dance performance or a trip to Seattle for mommy to do a run. A day to just go play as a family.... but yeah, we are busy and driven and our family thrives on those moments of busy-ness and we love every second so we will enjoy them as they come and just sit and dream about just going out just for fun... in the words of Matisuahu "One Day" (that is the song the Girl's dance team competes in the Lyrical division).
I love my life! I love my family! I love my husband! I love my kids! I love my blog! Have a great week everyone! Happy Monday!
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Blog of Shame
Damn it! We messed up last night! We fell asleep on the lovers holiday we forgot to make love! Oops! I fell asleep last night and so did The Hubs! We committed to Sex Love and Washing Clothes and #Everyday2015 but fell asleep last night! On Valentines Day of all days! The Holiday for lovers! I am sure there are people who have really crappy sex lives and only have sex on special occasions that got it on last night and The Hubs and I couldn't stay up for it? WTF dude?! I am so embarrassed, angry, annoyed with myself, I feel like I have let down my followers.... But know this friends, we are all human even Ruby Earl gets caught up with life sometimes.
We went out for drinks sang some karaoke we were talking about Super Bowl 45 where The Who did the half time show. I love the song "Reign O'er Me" When we got home we cued it up on our phones and listened to it in bed. I was already all snuggy in bed when The Hubs came in with the speaker, we connected his phone to it via Bluetooth and listened. I felt myself getting sleepy and he said "Do you just want to go to sleep?" I said "NO" but he snuggled up next to me we were both subtly rubbing each other's 'special areas' but we both fell asleep in that exact spot. We woke up this morning and I was instantly bummed, The Hubs said "Well, we made it to Valentines Day''. Noooooo!!!!!!! It's not over! I will not give up on it! We will make up for it! We did. We had a quicky before Grandma dropped off the kids this morning. So we will get a two a day today but damn! We missed a day. It feels like a sad walk of shame!
Guess I could have just lied and not told you about it. But that is not me. Neither is just shutting down this blog and ending Sex Love and Washing Clothes all together. No I am fighter and a worker, I will achieve what I set out to...for the most part, one day is not a set back. It is just one day! I will not give up! I will continue to do Sex Love and Washing Clothes every day. It has been good for me and everyone else in this household. My house is cleaner, my husband and I are getting along better, overall. We have our moments but we have learned to communicate with each other, trust that we mean well for each other even when we have a negative moment and be patient during those negative moments. Is because we have had sex everyday this year? I don't know, but it is one thing I had hoped to happen when I started Sex Love and Washing Clothes. I will not make excuses or use this a reason to stop or give up! I will continue. I will become a better wife, a better lover, a better writer and a better mom.
My February has started off a little rocky in the taking care of me department. I was a little melancholy from the Seahawks Superbowl loss, not very committed to keeping my eating healthy plan and have not started a workout program that I had told myself would be my focus for February! So here goes my planning you Sex Love and Washing Clothes readers are my accountability group! I will run at least 5 days a week. There are 14 days left in this month so I plan to and want to get in 25 miles so that is a little more than 2 miles per run. That is my February workout plan. The clothes are in the laundry so that part of my Bare Necessities is on track. Sex will happen every day and we will add in at least one two a day today so the average of once a day will workout and maybe a few more two a days to balance out the month!!
I am trying to get better at my writing I hope you are enjoying it. If you like it, please share my blog with your friends. Like my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter at @SLWC_Ruby I am contemplating adding more pictures of my real life on my blog and social media accounts. I want to share my life with you but I am slightly nervous of my kids being judged about their mom writing about Sex and/or the Hubs' work mates or families of kids he coaches being weird about it. And myself being judged. So I am warming up to the idea but for now I will stay hidden behind my Nom De Plume. Which I enjoy a lot! Feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.... just saying...
Here's to a better rest of February
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Do You and Your Lover Speak the Same Language?
Happy Valentines Day!!! I hope you all get a chance to enjoy and love each other! Valentine's Day is for lovers but also for families and people to have a reason to show love. What are you doing for your love today? What about for your kids, your mom, your friends? No, I am not suggesting you go out and buy a lame card or candy for everyone you love. Just think about a way to show your love to the ones you love.
I usually make Chocolate covered Strawberries or Cake or some sweet treat (and I wonder why I have a weight issue) I do show my love a lot in food. What love language is food? Acts of Service or Gifts? I usually make it and decorate and spend lots of time on a good meal and/or a pretty dessert. I think it might be a combination of Acts of Service and Gifts Given. What is your love language? Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time or Physical Touch? I am not an expert on Gary Chapman's Love Languages, however it is an interesting phenomenon (disclaimer, I have read The Five Love Languages of Children, not the original book). I think that whole concept is interesting. I definitely show love to my husband (and everyone else) in my love language. I have a hard time figuring out what his love language is because I speak in mine. Not that I haven't tried to figure him out. He is a Physical Touch, Quality Time, Acts of Service type. I am a words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, Quality Time and Physical Touch type depending on the day... see, it is so clear why wouldn't I just speak love in my husband's language.
It's because I am me. I speak in my language not that I don't try to learn and know him and his language. Point being....Love languages are great. I believe that everyone has a special love language and that it is important to be aware of and a good thing to learn. I have tried and will continue to work on it but there is no magical answer for being in a relationship. My husband may think he is doing great letting me know I am loved and then I drop a ball saying you never say nice things (he does but I don't hear it sometimes)!!! See, if I am a Words of Affirmation type and he is showing me love with Physical Touch we are not speaking the same language and what he has done for me doesn't speak the same as what he wants it to. And the opposite is true when I do things of love for him that he may not recognize! For Example, I make great meals and slave away trying to cook and show my love and all he wants is for me to be naked waiting for him on the couch. IN cases like this all we want is to be noticed that we are trying and to be loved! If we both step back and realize what the others love language is, instead of waiting for them to show us the way we want to be shown love, look for them to show love in their natural way it would bridge a massive gap in most relationships!
If you can see what your partners love language is, don't expect them to change for you, look for them to show you in their love language, appreciate it, even if it's not your love language. If you appreciate and give them the acknowledgement that you know they are trying maybe they will try to go out of their comfort zone and speak in your language. But that is not the easiest for them, try not to be too hard on your love. I guarantee they currently showing you love in their very own love language, you just have to open your eyes to see. The same way you show them love in your language but if you go that extra mile to show them love in their language...You have reached your pot of gold, there will be much rewards for you ... hubba hubba.(Dirty minds there are other rewards to it too!)
Go show your love love today! Look for your love to show you in their love language and if they are speaking in your love language acknowledge that is mastery and don't take it for granted! Enjoy it and work hard to love your spouse and to see your spouse loving you! It is happening, open your eyes, he loves you, you love him. Show it and go forth and love and be loved! Remember there are many ways to show love. The 5 love languages are Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, and Quality Time are all ways to show and express and speak love. Your lover and you can connect on all 5 levels, you should. There is one that stands out more for each individual but your lover and you may speak love in different ways. Instead of trying to change your lover to speak your way, just know there are many ways to express and show love. Look for those ways in your lover to show you their own way. You show love your way but try to make an effort to speak his/her language. If you are looking for it, you will find it, open up to your lovers way of being loved and they will open up to you!
This is sounding a lot like love advice (Boo that) and I am not sure I am making sense. What I am trying to say is learn your lovers love language so you can interpret their attempts to show you love. Not so that you can change to be what they want or so they will change to better fit you. Don't make or expect your lover to change to better fit what you are, accept them for who they are. Don't expect your lover to change for you. They will return the favor and accept you for you. The reason you fell in love is because of who each of you organically are. Love in your language and let them love in theirs! Enjoy Valentine's Day lovers!
I usually make Chocolate covered Strawberries or Cake or some sweet treat (and I wonder why I have a weight issue) I do show my love a lot in food. What love language is food? Acts of Service or Gifts? I usually make it and decorate and spend lots of time on a good meal and/or a pretty dessert. I think it might be a combination of Acts of Service and Gifts Given. What is your love language? Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time or Physical Touch? I am not an expert on Gary Chapman's Love Languages, however it is an interesting phenomenon (disclaimer, I have read The Five Love Languages of Children, not the original book). I think that whole concept is interesting. I definitely show love to my husband (and everyone else) in my love language. I have a hard time figuring out what his love language is because I speak in mine. Not that I haven't tried to figure him out. He is a Physical Touch, Quality Time, Acts of Service type. I am a words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, Quality Time and Physical Touch type depending on the day... see, it is so clear why wouldn't I just speak love in my husband's language.
It's because I am me. I speak in my language not that I don't try to learn and know him and his language. Point being....Love languages are great. I believe that everyone has a special love language and that it is important to be aware of and a good thing to learn. I have tried and will continue to work on it but there is no magical answer for being in a relationship. My husband may think he is doing great letting me know I am loved and then I drop a ball saying you never say nice things (he does but I don't hear it sometimes)!!! See, if I am a Words of Affirmation type and he is showing me love with Physical Touch we are not speaking the same language and what he has done for me doesn't speak the same as what he wants it to. And the opposite is true when I do things of love for him that he may not recognize! For Example, I make great meals and slave away trying to cook and show my love and all he wants is for me to be naked waiting for him on the couch. IN cases like this all we want is to be noticed that we are trying and to be loved! If we both step back and realize what the others love language is, instead of waiting for them to show us the way we want to be shown love, look for them to show love in their natural way it would bridge a massive gap in most relationships!
If you can see what your partners love language is, don't expect them to change for you, look for them to show you in their love language, appreciate it, even if it's not your love language. If you appreciate and give them the acknowledgement that you know they are trying maybe they will try to go out of their comfort zone and speak in your language. But that is not the easiest for them, try not to be too hard on your love. I guarantee they currently showing you love in their very own love language, you just have to open your eyes to see. The same way you show them love in your language but if you go that extra mile to show them love in their language...You have reached your pot of gold, there will be much rewards for you ... hubba hubba.(Dirty minds there are other rewards to it too!)
Go show your love love today! Look for your love to show you in their love language and if they are speaking in your love language acknowledge that is mastery and don't take it for granted! Enjoy it and work hard to love your spouse and to see your spouse loving you! It is happening, open your eyes, he loves you, you love him. Show it and go forth and love and be loved! Remember there are many ways to show love. The 5 love languages are Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, and Quality Time are all ways to show and express and speak love. Your lover and you can connect on all 5 levels, you should. There is one that stands out more for each individual but your lover and you may speak love in different ways. Instead of trying to change your lover to speak your way, just know there are many ways to express and show love. Look for those ways in your lover to show you their own way. You show love your way but try to make an effort to speak his/her language. If you are looking for it, you will find it, open up to your lovers way of being loved and they will open up to you!
This is sounding a lot like love advice (Boo that) and I am not sure I am making sense. What I am trying to say is learn your lovers love language so you can interpret their attempts to show you love. Not so that you can change to be what they want or so they will change to better fit you. Don't make or expect your lover to change to better fit what you are, accept them for who they are. Don't expect your lover to change for you. They will return the favor and accept you for you. The reason you fell in love is because of who each of you organically are. Love in your language and let them love in theirs! Enjoy Valentine's Day lovers!
Friday, February 13, 2015
13 Sexual Innuendos for Valentine's Day
Happy Friday The 13th!!! Both boys in this house, the Hubs and The Boy were born on Friday the 13th! So it is like a birthday/celebration every Friday the 13th! Today is a bit more "special" because it is the day before Valentine's Day. I know, I know so many people poo poo Valentine's Day by saying it's a Hallmark Holiday, all it is is for card companies and jewelry companies to make money.. blah blah blah. Well I sort of agree but I also sort of disagree. Any excuse to celebrate for me is an awesome excuse to do something special or out of the ordinary and why not live it up and go big? Friday the 13th is a great day in this house! NO bad oman's or black cat fears here!
I want to do something with the number 13 for today's blog...with tomorrow being Valentines day and today the scariness of days Friday the 13th, I was reading my kids Valentines today and thought wow, if adults gave Valentines to each other the meaning would change.... I was blushing...which brings me to think, am I obsessed with sex? That's a topic for another day? Why is it that I can make a child's Valentine a sexual innuendo, I blame that on the Hubs! My kids are in elementary school and I am reading into child's Valentine Cards as sexual innuendo....I need help!anyway this sparks my inspiration for my list today.
Best Subtle Sexual Innuendo Valentines Sayings I found online, Thanks to Google
So there are a few images of sexual innuendo cards for Valentines Day. I was going to try to post the links to where to find these, I apologize for not but I ran out of time trying to figure out how to on each one so what I did was I googled Valentines Innuendo Cards. I was hoping to find more cutesie not on purpose cards from children's Valentines but I will need to research longer and harder more next year! Or that will be tomorrows list maybe... Hope you all enjoy today and use one of these cards to have a great sexy Valentines Day! Go get you some hope you see a black cat and have awesome sex tonight! Happy Friday the 13th!
I want to do something with the number 13 for today's blog...with tomorrow being Valentines day and today the scariness of days Friday the 13th, I was reading my kids Valentines today and thought wow, if adults gave Valentines to each other the meaning would change.... I was blushing...which brings me to think, am I obsessed with sex? That's a topic for another day? Why is it that I can make a child's Valentine a sexual innuendo, I blame that on the Hubs! My kids are in elementary school and I am reading into child's Valentine Cards as sexual innuendo....I need help!anyway this sparks my inspiration for my list today.
Best Subtle Sexual Innuendo Valentines Sayings I found online, Thanks to Google
But I will..... |
Inside in our bed |
Yes Please! |
And by Stroll I mean with your tongue! |
His Junk is the key and your vag is the lock... |
Add caption |
What man wouldn't want to hear this? |
I know the hubs would much rather a picture of my boobs with this text. But hey... |
Just be blunt everyone should have sex on Valentines Day so this card is right to the point. |
Fuck Yeah! |
You and your mate have fun however you like! |
![]() |
You get to pick the position.... |
Yes Please! |
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Let Yourself Be Loved When You Can't Love Yourself
OMG!!! I posted then, lost my post when I came into the Blogger app to edit a typo! Fuck!!! Which means my final draft that was so awesome, is not the same F!...I need to learn how to sync these things better.... Here it goes again...
Happy Thursday! I have a head ache today! Ugh! Yesterday I was in a foul mood today it's a head ache, I am struggling with my weight loss goals, can I complain anymore? I did have a great date night last night! During the day, I text the hubs about how crappy I was feeling. I gave him the proverbial heads up that I was in a foul mood, I couldn't get my shit together and I was feeling bad about it. He gave me the much needed moral support I was needing! I still am in a mood today but today I have a better overall aspect on life. That is why I have the Hubs, to pick me up when I am down!
I am trying not to be down on myself and to get as much done as possible and be productive everyday! I want my house to be spotless all the time, but we live here and I take moments to enjoy my family. The Hubs and I do a date night once a week, I hang at practices for a few extra minutes and go to all of the games and performances that I can. I also take time to sit next to the Hubs in the evening so we get some connection and/or together time. So I have the time from when the Hubs leaves for work and when the kids go to school to get my house work done. I try not to "work" when the Hubs is home, however, sometimes it's a decision of leaving a mess or working while the Hubs is home I do both depending on the day. He enjoys that I take time to spend with him. He also is okay with me being determined to get the house together as well. He does prefer me to work while he works but also knows that when it counts the stuff will get done! I am getting there. My house is cleaner than ever even though it is not spotless. Is anyone's house spotless all the time? I always feel like there is a trade off. Either you are frantically cleaning all the time or there is always a but of a mess.
We live here and we live with each other. There is not one person here that is always working. We all out in work and we all deserve down time too. Yes, we are busy and sometimes the dishes are in the sink for a couple days because of that. I choose to spend time with the Hubs instead of obsessing about cleaning all the time. I figure, as long as the counter tops are usable, dishes are clean when you put food on them and everyone has clean underwear (even if it means getting it out of the dryer) and everyone is enjoying life and each other, then my job is well done. My grandma may argue that I need to do more or that it is unacceptable to leave clothes in the laundry overnight, but she doesn't live here and I know what matters. People matter, family matter, love matters, enjoying moments with each other everyday matters! Those clothes will get done even if it has to wait until tomorrow. One day the kids will enjoy that I took time with them instead of stressing about laundry every second of every day!
The Hubs is proud of me. I hear that he brags to our friends about how I do take care of the family and the house. Even though he does sometimes think I could be more efficient (he is right) but in the long run when he steps back he is proud of me. He likes that I have balance to work when it needs to be done, I can knock out power cleaning when I need to, if I want to. I think it means a lot to him to know that I will take time to enjoy him even when the house is a disaster, as long as we have a room that is clean that we don't have to look right at the mess we're good, he appreciates that too.
I am working on balance. This week I have not been super good at it, my house is not spotless, I have a head ache and am tired this week, but I am trying to accept myself and be loving to me and get as much done as possible but also enjoy the family and accept that I cannot do it all and when I make a decision that results in things not getting done I am going to accept it and not beat myself up. I am working on accepting me and loving me and loving my family through it.
I need to work on writing lists to keep me on task. I also need to work on eating well as that affects my motivation and drive and mood and I can tell that my tiredness is being caused by poor food choices. I have a lot to work on but mainely I need to work on accepting and being okay with myself today and this week. How are you doing? Are you taking care of your family? Your House? Most importantly are you taking care of you? The latter is the most important! If you are not loving you don't expect anyone else to! Yesterday I was not loving myself too much. I sent that text to the Hubs and he made it clear to me that he loves me no matter what and he is there to help and support me when I need it, I just have to reach out to him. Although when he is there for me it is important that I remember not to be too hard on myself. I believe you can block love from others if you are filled with too much self loathing. The Hubs came through for me with a date night and good attitude adjustment, love him. Glad he was in the mood to be there for me when I couldn't shake myself out of that self loathing! Love yourself enough to allow those who love you to pick you up when you need it! Be open for love all the time someone will for sure come through for you! If no one does contact me I will give you pep talk! Choose to be happy!!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
All Tied Up
Happy Hump Day!! You know what that means right?.... A Hump Day Challenge! OMG that sounds so cheesy and campy...but I kind of LOVE it!
However, I am in a foul mood today. The Girl stayed home from school sick and I had a plan of what I was going to accomplish today and that threw a hitch in the plans and derailed my fucking day!!!! I am so irritated at myself for that! I have done nothing today! Which may cause a fight with the hubs. He is such a hard worker and I am lazy slob today! I will make up for it tomorrow or someday! He will see the good in me even in my bad days right? He even has to work this weekend! Fuck me why can't I get my shit together? All I have to do is just do it! I really need a run! I need to get my head straight with a runners high!But I really need to get my laundry folded and put away vacuuming done some decluttering etc...the endless list of house duties! FUCK! Fuck it I'm blogging let's focus on something that is more stimulating (I need to figure out how to get paid for this then I can hire a house keeper to do that shitty house stuff that I hate) ....boy I sound bitter and cranky!
It's Hump Day and after yesterday's 50 Shades of Grey post (which I was too chicken to share on my real life Facebook page so it has like 6 views or something I know, I shouldn't be scared of being judged in real life, but guess what I am human and am scared of being judged and/or offending people....). After yesterday's post and in honor of the movie coming out this week, it is a great time for a bondage type challenge. I am using the bondage word very loosely. Since, I am not a Bondage expert and I don't want to even attempt a BDSM education, I will have to experiment and have more experience before I get too detailed. So we will start with baby steps. Don't get scared by me using the word bondage, basically, I want you to either tie up your lover or have him tie you up.
Just tie up your wrists, either together or separately to bed posts or maybe you want to tie up to a chair feel free to be creative. You can use a robe strap or a belt or scarf. The hubs and I bought this really cool bondage kit that has 4 straps that you can tie to the 4 corners of your bed, however we have a platform king size bed and the straps are too short and I don't have four corners to tie up to. A scarf works well too, you can even play with one and incorporate a blind fold too. I can't explain how it is so erotic and exciting and also so tormenting it is to be tied down while he has his way with you. You will have to discover for yourself.
Relax and have fun with it let your lover rub you, caress you, lick and suck on you. I say that as if you have a choice, when you are tied up, you don't. He will enjoy your begging and pleading to fulfill your desires and he gets to enjoy and tease you first. It kind of sucks to not be able to touch back while he is all over you but it is kind of hot and sexy and you will want to do it again! He will be your Christian Grey and you his Anastasia Steele and then you can switch rolls, no need to actually know the book just play but if you do know the book play along, and enjoy! (I can't wait I am so doing this challenge tonight)
Enjoy your mate! Sex is a great way to create and enhance connection. Positive physical touch is an important part of every marriage and relationship! If either you or your partner is uncomfortable with this go at your own pace. Love each other have fun, laugh at yourself if you struggle but make an effort to touch your partner as much as you can when you are not tied up. He will appreciate it and you will get it in return I promise! Let me know how it goes! One day I will get reports back, if you are scared of being judged and commenting send me an email or private message. I want to hear your stories what is working and what you are wanting to read more about. Keep up the good work followers enjoy your hump day.
My day is already getting better if only I had those 4 hours this morning that I wasted being in a foul mood, guess I should have wrote earlier today! No more time to sulk about it now ladies and gents get to it!
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
To Read or Not To Read
So I was getting ready to go out for a run, I really need a run! As I sat down on the toilet for my last pee before heading out, I opened up Facebook, yes I am guilty of Facebooking on the toilet, don't judge me, you are too! Anyway, as I was scrolling through I came across an article about Fifty Shades of Grey and how it is bad for marriages. I disagree with this article and with anyone judging what is good for or not good for any marriage that is not theirs. My marriage is mine to manage and your marriage is yours to manage. I am trying to be careful not to offend anyone..aka not lose followers or readers... but we all know that I am slightly incapable of doing so, so I should just say what I feel. Which is what will happen anyway, I will try to leave the justification out of it and the attempt to make me feel like there is no way you can judge me negatively because of my view point and all my back up justifications about my opinion. Basically you may disagree and if so, know that it is OK with me for you to disagree. You don't have to do things my way. You do you! Do what works for you and your marriage.
So, it was said that "Fifty Shades of Grey" or any erotica or pornography leads to sexual desire outside your marriage. I can see that if the person is doing this alone or with someone that is not their partner. However I believe the opposite when done together. The Hubs and I use porn at times to help our stimulate our sexual desire. It is not causing anything except the two of us getting excited for each other. Maybe I am completely off base and I just have the wool pulled over my face but reading sexual stories or looking at sexually charged images are not giving me a desire for the dude in the picture or anyone else for that matter. It is giving me ideas of what we can do for and with The Hubs who is right there with me. I think, if used properly a couple can stimulate their marriage and keep attraction to each other high by these tools. Does this make me an adulterer? I don't think so.
I started to read the Fifty Shades book, I liked it. I got to the middle of the book right around the contract area for those who have read it and kind of lost interest actually, no, I got busy or something. I have ADD it is hard for me to finish any books, and I would rather spend the time reading stories with my husband and having our own romantic and sexual explorations with him than read it in a book. And for him it was too slow to read together. So for me Fifty Shades of Grey didn't intercept my sexual attention or any of my attention from him anyway. For my single friend, one who read it and the rest of the trilogy, she loved them and couldn't put them down, partly because she was alone most of the time because she didn't have a husband to play with at night or during down times. But no one will ever convince me that erotica is bad for a marriage especially when the Hubs and I enjoy each other so much. As for my single friend I don't think it affected her relationships except to give her some things she would like to try with her next BF or maybe one day a husband.
Life is tough! We have jobs, bills, rooms to clean, laundry to get done, dishes, someone has to make dinner, kids to get to practices, the Hubs coaches 2 out three of the Boy's sports he is busy with work and he teaches classes in his trade and I am a mom do I need to say more...runny noses, kids being mean to my kids...the list goes on. By the time kids get to bed at 9 or so we are both tired. Porn or erotic stories spice up our lives and gives us that energy to put into each other sexually. Our sex life started out rocky. It kind of sucked! I think that growing up afraid of sex, which I don't think was all bad, I didn't end up a pregnant teen or with a man who doesn't love me, but that made it hard for me to get into sex as a young adult. So, when the Hubs and I were together and become adults and start to have sex, I was afraid of it. I was taught sex was bad. You don't have sex unless you are married but once you are married what do you do and how does it become good? A dilemma that will stick with me as I raise my children into adults. How to raise smart kids who don't get pregnant but not make them afraid of sex...
I also know that not having experience prior to meeting and marrying my husband led to a little bit of awkwardness and not knowing how to get what I wanted or being able to tell the Hubs about it. Talking about sex was taboo, just as sex was taboo and when I made that transition into adulthood, no one gave me permission to be okay with sex so I really never was. Until one day, who knows what happened I don't but I just was OK with it. (I think a quick talk to an older sister of a high school beau of mine helped that transition a bit) At first, sex hurt, I had sexual dysfunction as a 21 year old! Thankful for Berman and Berman two Doctor sisters who had done studies on Sexual dysfunction in women! I happen to watch them on Oprah and learned a lot of the mechanics of sex and sexual dysfunction but still had reservations. Sex finally got good after the birth of my second child when I finally got into it. I don't know what shifted but that is when I finally got pleasure and wanted to have sex. I have always been told sex is good but I hadn't really felt that until then. I don't know what switched in me. I think it was me realizing I was an adult and it was okay to make up my own mind and believe what I felt was right not just what someone else told me to believe was right. I became of woman right then!
Sex is very intimate and emotional but there are also those times it is raw and emotion free and just feels good! I never understood the idea of friends with benefits or people who could just have one night stands but now I do. It took me long time for that. Not that I advocate cheating but I have heard men (and women too) say I just wanted sex, my wife won't give it to me so I went to a brothel or people who claim "it was just sex". Is that even real? Part of me says no not possible but I do know now that I think it is. I have learned with the Hubs that there are times I want to punch him because he makes me so mad and I hate him so much (the P!NK song True Love explains this to a T) but put me in the corner of the couch and I can forget that in just a few short seconds of his hands and his tongue and his manness on and in my body!
Yes sometimes we use porn to spice up our sexual game. Desire sometimes is hard when you have a crazy busy life. I know you mom's have been in the act and heard the dryer go off and just wanted him to finish so you could get them before they have wrinkles on them and the clothes in the washer need to be switched over so you don't forget and end up with that old laundry smell on your clothes. Or as your husband when your husband are in doing it doggy style and you are looking at his pile of clothes he throws on the floor next to your bed, "are those clean or dirty?" We have all been there, if you say no I bet you are lying! Porn helps get be in the moment. We'll use the laptop laying in bed and talk about tattoos we see on people and "OMG can you believe that make up" and then "wow, that looks interesting..." and we have to try it, or sometimes it is just a little flick of the finger oooh that was nice and he and I are locked on each other and forget what is going on on the screen.... Don't tell me this is bad for my marriage. We have great sex and yes sometimes we fantasize about things that are not politically correct but we are together every night we are not off searching out those fantasies or pleasuring by ourselves we share in it and enjoy every minute!
So take this however you like. Read Fifty Shades, watch porn, go to strip clubs or don't. I believe it can be a good tool in a marriage to draw you close together, to get over the hump....hehe I said hump....of daily life and get back to the sex kittens you once were or maybe you never were or never lost that in each other. If Fifty Shades gets your wife hot and ready to go for you, wouldn't you want her to read it? If it makes it so she is reading and spending all her time with B.O.B. then, I agree it would be bad in that situation and you need help. So, ladies let your man join in on the fun of Fifty Shades...apparently there are toys that are in the book available online, or go to Lovers Package or find some sexual enhancing products. Do whatever it takes to be hot for your lover! Never underestimate the power of good sex with your spouse! I don't think there is anything that helps a couple's relationship more than sex, Good Sex! However that has to happen, why question it? Isn't this a big reason we get married, for a live in Fuck Buddy and Cuddle Partner all in one, who is there with you every night! My husband is my best friend so he is a Friend with benefits and boy do I take advantage of those benefits when I need to and I let him take advantage of mine!
And I still have time for a run!
Monday, February 9, 2015
Why Does Everything Cost So Much $$$
I am overwhelmed today! I need to get a lot of work done around the house. I am stressing about money and time and schedule and food (gotta get my diet under control so I don't gain all the weight back that I lost in January), basically everything. The Girl, yesterday, won first place overall award at the dance competition she was in (So Proud of her) and that gave her the opportunity to be in Nationals! However we still have to pay for it. They say here you go now you can go to Nationals and you have to pay us for it too! If she wins she earns representation by a talent agency which could get her "jobs" to make money instead of spend money with her talent, however it will be about $1000 just to send her. It is in Anaheim California so she will get to go to Disneyland so of course we have to take the Boy too. So add to it a whole family vacation, which actually would be fun. Cha Ching Cha Ching.
The Girl was even having a hard time being happy about it, knowing that the dance budget is already at it's max, so, she thinks she likely won't be able to go. She is frustrated the same way I am. The Hubs is too, there goes his car we were wanting to buy (his thought) with my going back to work earnings. He loves to be able to provide for us to do everything we want and he does a good job at it. He tends to take a back burner so everyone else can have what they want, he doesn't like to say no to us. I think he thinks that no one notices. Which the kids probably don't, they are kids. I, however, do and I want to make it easy for him to provide for us and try to be careful not to ask for too much, but when he sees that there is something I want or something that the kids could do that they would like or would be good for them he thinks he has to provide that or he wants to provide it! When your daughter is given this kind of opportunity you want to let her, she was hand picked to participate in the nationals competition. Also this year, I wanted to send the Boy to a football camp this summer that cost about $800! GAH!!!! Why does everything that is a great opportunity for the kids cost so much? How do people do it? This is why many very talented people work in factories or don't live to their full potential. The "rich kids" get the opportunity and the normal kids have to wait to be noticed or wait for So You Think You Can Dance to come to their neck of the woods and get discovered but even then...it's really not realistic. You do hear stories of parents working two jobs to pay for their kids activities. Or even being unemployed and a rich uncle pays for the kids to go to camp or some random sponsor appears and eventually that kid turns into a first round draft pick. The stories always end up on ESPN but, are there stories of families ending up broken, broke or bankrupt and kids who don't appreciate it, parents who get divorced over fighting over the money they are spending on the kids...I don't want to be that story so let's not think about it! I want my unicorns and sparkle ending where my kids gets chosen in the NFL draft and is on ESPN talking about how our family made it through that struggle and it was worth it!
Our kids are awesome with a lot of potential! I want the to feed that potential lead to amazing things, a dance contract, a college scholarship, a job... You do hear stories of parents working two jobs to pay for their kids activities. Or even being unemployed and a rich uncle pays for the kids to go to camp or some random sponsor appears and eventually that kid turns into a first round draft pick. The stories always end up on ESPN but, I bet there are stories of families ending up broken, broke or even bankrupt and kids who don't appreciate it, parents who get divorced over fighting over the money they are spending on the kids... I don't want to be that story so let's not think about it! I want my unicorns and sparkle ending where my kids gets chosen in the NFL draft and is on ESPN talking about how our family made it through that struggle and it was worth it!
I know they don't need to do everything that is put in front of them and I know I get hyped up really easily. I get the "this might be a once in a lifetime opportunity we have to act now!" thing that sales people love about me and hate the Hubs. He is better at seeing through their Bullshit but he also is a nay sayer and pessimist and may over look real opportunities with his skepticism. This may very well be a once in a lifetime opportunity for The Girl, her solo is A-MAZE-ING, great choreography she has it nailed (aside form some turns and technique she needs to work on), the judges obviously loved her, she is so strong this year, some years things just click while others there is something missing... or it may be the first of many years of her getting accolades and awards for her dance... Maybe she will get a big break that will lead to a role in the next dance based Hollywood movie! Or maybe she could just be a kid who goes to school and dances, a lot! Maybe next year will be better and then will we have to do the same stressing about money again etc...??? Does the family need to be put on hold so the dancer can dance? Is it fair to the family to make everyone else wait on what they want so she can have her opportunity? Or can we have it all? Can we find balance and do it all on our salary and with the time we have? Will this hamper the efforts of the boy in his future of sports? Can we do both? Do we have the energy? I hope we can do both, I hope we can have it all....However, I am not so sure if it is possible!
In the last year or two, I have really found my dirty sexy self. He has been enjoying the relaxed sassy sexy hot momma self that I was turning into and so was I, we still are. One day he said if "I get that from you I can deal with financial stress!" "Financial stress is so much easier to manage if I know I have that to come home to." So basically if we have swing from the chandelier sex all the time, he will overlook the financial stresses and be happier, but in reality everyone needs their escape and the reality is that sex only lasts a little while. You have to get up and do real life, which is still hard to do, day in and day out, even with great sex. There is no escape from the necessity of balance! Everyone needs balance! There is also no escape from math or bills, either. My husband works hard and gets paid very well, we have Season tickets for football, we have a very nice retirement that we pay into every month, we have a nice house, camping trailer, we buy quality things, in the words of my Father In Law "we are not standing in the cheese line" but we are not Bill Gates and there are limits to how much money we have. We used to be able to just get up and go to Vegas on a random weekend and now we have to plan and budget for it and we are "living in the moment people" and planning ahead just doesn't happen for a quick trip to Vegas. This is normal for people who go from double income no kids to single income and two kids, right... Not that it happened overnight but it seems to have caught up with us recently maybe just because the kids activities are getting more expensive and we are getting antsy for that getup and go adult only vacation that we haven't planned for but really need and or want, guess I should have thought of that before now!
So that leads me to try to do fundraisers for dance and now even for football camp so we can do it all. Fundraising for a parent only vacation tends to be frown upon (don't judge me who has not looked at a car wash and said I would wash cars for a vacation). I want to provide those things for the kids but time is of the essence. So far the Girl and I have done a few fundraisers and we maybe have brought in $200-$300 (-ish ... I do have it written down but not going to look it up right now) but we have spent more than $200-ish on those fundraisers for the products to create what we have sold. So what can we do that will make money and not cost money. What can we do that will take the time of a full time job and will not be selling trinkets that break but are still low cost enough for people to actually afford and want to purchase but not take so much time and effort to make? Is there anything that will make enough money for the kids to do themselves, they are too young for babysitting or lawn mowing... Suggestions happily accepted!
In the mean time I will work those sexual favors to help the Hubs not feel like he is working just to pay for dance! He is a great provider and I know he wants to make us all happy. If he has to say no maybe he thinks we will think he doesn't love us or doesn't want to do what we ask, but we know someone has to live in reality and when it comes to money that person is him. I know he loves me and I need to realize that he hates to say no and he will do everything to try not to, so I need to remember that when I verbalize what I want and be selective about what I ask for or even when I talk about the things I say "I want". He will try to do it no matter what.
Make sure you and you loved ones know that you love each other even in the times of stress and make sure you understand the "nos' and reasons behind them. Don't be afraid to say no and don't take it personal when the realistic person in the family says it is just not realistic for us to manage to pay for this. It is not personal, stop taking things so personal and just be honest with each other and know that you are in this whole family business thing together. Kids are only little and dependent for a short period of time! We will get our DINK life back soon enough....right ....like when I thought I would be breast feeding or blending food forever this will pass too, right?! In the meantime it is sexual favors and locked doors instead of trips to Vegas and I am OK with that as long as I get to do it with The Hubs. And we will enjoy the accolades the kids get and know there are many trips to Vegas and other destinations in the future of our life! Forever is a long time!!! I do love my life, I should not complain I have a lot that I am thankful for, there are worse problems that I could have!
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