Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mom Life on Fat Tuesday

Happy Tuesday everyone! It's Fat Tuesday...Does that mean much to anyone? Do people really indulge the night before giving up something for lent? Maybe I should try this phenomena ... lent giving up something for is it still 40 days and 40 nights? I did dry January maybe I should do it for lent too, maybe I will just give up junk food, that is different that alcohol and there are no waivers allowed in lent either.... I have never been Catholic so I don't really know. Friends who I know are don't usually do Fat Tuesday but I know a friend who gave up swearing, using cuss words, for the duration of lent year. Every time she said a cuss word she had to put a quarter in the jar...Fuck! that would cost a lot of money. Actually at the time she did it I was telling her "man I have started cussing so much more lately." She said "I know me too, why do you think I did this?" I asked what she planned to do with the cussing fines, I would use it for new shoes or a trip or something, but she decided she would give it to the church. Oh yeah, that's what lent is for anyway isn't it?...

For this Fat Tuesday I am going to a team mom meeting to plan and end of season party, wonder if I can convince the mom's to take a celebratory shot, you know we should shouldn't we? It is Fat Tuesday, that's what people do on this day right? ...Most of these mom's don't know me super well, so I will probably keep my mouth shut so not to seem like the token alcoholic, but you won't see me turning down another mom's suggestion to do so.... The restaurant is in walking distance to my house and is on my running route, so if we mom's get crazy, the Hubs could grab me on his way home from teaching tonight and I could fetch the car on my run tomorrow. Hey I just figured out how to make sure I get my run in! Yay me!!!  

Anyway, I am super excited to hang out with of one particular rock star mom tonight! She and I have chatted about needing a mom coffee date where we drink mimosas after sending the kids to school one day..it is no longer dry January and she is Catholic, so tonight might have to be "our night" if she is giving up drinking mimosas for lent. She does read my blog, at least use to, so, Dear Said Mom I am speaking of, if you are reading this before wrestling team mom meeting, we will be sneaking into the bar and taking a shot together!!!  Nudge nudge hint hint...you don't need to comment on the post, just wink at me when we make eye contact tonight lady! Fun times on the docket for tonight!

Don't judge me folks today I had a good mommy day. It was a day off for the kids, Hubs is back to work after the three day weekend but the kids had a four day weekend. I started off with strawberry, chocolate chip pancakes, scored mom points right there. Then we had to do Dr's appointment for the Boy and I but had a break in between and during the break we adventured out to take a walk on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge! (It was beautiful, we have had amazingly pretty sunny weather here in western Washington!) They had never done that, more mom points right? However I think they were more impressed with dad taking them on the roof top of a building he was working at over the weekend, Dad's are always way cooler (eye roll). Then after my Dr appointment (which my Dr wants to put me on Zoloft..ugh I am resisting Rx in hand though, topic for another day) we went to the kids favorite restaurant in that area where they can watch the cooks make their pizza and the cooks were prepping basil and mozzarella for that basil mozzarella cheese and tomato appetizer thing...(yeah you know what I mean who really knows what it is called anyway, I just eat it. Oh, I just looked it up, looks like it is called Tomato Basil Mozzarella Appetizer, who knew?) it smelled yummy as we waited for our food. So yes major more mom points! And it came with Gelato! Yay more mom points! Have I mentioned my kids love language is food?

It was a great day for my kids and this here momma and still not over! Gotta go get the sitter for this evening since the Gramma forgot she can't do it, so instead of having 2 hours to blog and do some power cleaning I now only have about an hour but will probably stretch that to an hour and a half and not have as much time to get where I am going. It is just right around the corner! I did start laundry and if I get home in time to get the sitter home before the Hubs gets home, I am planning a surprise night for the hubby to come home to me sitting in my favorite comer of the couch sans clothing! ....ooh that is unless I do end up taking too many shots with the team moms and need him to meet me at the bar and pick me up...either way I guarantee he will enjoy whatever happens. And, I already got the OK from the sitter to stay out late because she is now home schooled and her mom says she can be a late night sitter if I need, any time, let's hope tonight counts as anytime (wink wink)

So Happy Fat Tuesday to you all enjoy your day and regardless of your religion indulge in something today, just because it was a beautiful day here and you deserve it, I scored enough mom points to share with you. So you can have some of mine!


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