Thursday, February 19, 2015

"X-Rated" Your Hump Day Challenge A Day Late

Happy Thursday Happy Day after Hump Day and a Hump Day Challenge. Last night the Hubs and I went on our "Date Night" I believe every couple should have a once a week date night. Even if it has to be date night in your living room. For Date Night this week we went to the mall and to our favorite restaurant Silver City (highly recommend Silver City Restaurant and Brewery) We had to go to the mall to get my glasses fixed and wondered a bit. Any reason to go to Silverdale for a meal at Silver City is all we need to make it our date night adventure! Love that place!

While in the mall we strolled through Spencer's. I heard someone say the other day that Spencer's has sex toys and books in there. I mentioned that I wanted to get sex dice for this week's Hump Day Challenge, so the Hub's suggested we go there and check the place out. I am glad we did. We not only found sex dice. (Did you know there are many different types of Sex dice?) We also found a book called 365 Sex Moves by Randi Foxx. I have never heard of this book before or Randi Foxx but this book called to me! Duh, obviously it would because I am doing Sex Love and Washing Clothes everyday...365 days of sex so of course I want a 365 Sex Moves book! I grabbed it and flipped through it first

There are not only 365 creative, enticing and fun sex moves in multiple positions there are some amazing photos of each move and there are some great explanations of each move as well! All have very creative titles like 'Deep "C" Dive' 'Rock, Scissors, Pleasure' Parallel Parking' 'Peaks and Valley' for a few examples and are all numbered by day so I figured out that yesterday was the 50th day of the year so we tried the 50th move called X-rated. This is your Hump Day Challenge Here is the explanation from the book: "She's on her side with her legs apart. He comes up to meet her in a slightly reclined pose. They lace their legs under and over, making and "X". Penetration angles can be altered with the slightest of movements." Great explanation right? It was fun to try and it was great to have a picture to help, This is your Hump Day Challenge for this week. I was going to make it more detailed but really how can I get more detailed than that? I did a quick Google search for a website for Randi Foxx and did not find one so here is a picture of the book and you can choose your own way of finding or purchasing it, if you'd like.

 Image result for randi foxx

There are some really great moves in this book. There are so many things I want to try! I will be referring to this book for inspiration for this blog as well as to add spice to my sex life and to keep Sex Love and Washing Clothes everyday interesting. If only someone could write a book so intriguing about Washing Clothes, with pictures as good, my life would be heaven. ....hey, I think I just got an idea for my first book (wink).

So there you have it X-rated try it see how you like it. I am going to try it again and adjust for positioning of my bum hip. I will figure it out before the end of this year...or my hip will get better! I can't wait to try another new move! I am so excited! Have a great day my friends! Enjoy!


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