Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Smile, The Next Best Thing To Do With Your Lips

Happy Tuesday that feels like a Monday! What a crazy weekend. Between the Seahawks winning back to back NFC Championships, the kids and The Hubs having Monday off and me kind of taking the weekend off...I am overwhelmed and spent! I need a weekend from my weekend!

I have like negative 20 minutes left to get a days worth of stuff done so this blog will be short and sweet.  I have been slacking on the "washing clothes" part of my life. (I am writing this as the sink fills to wash dishes that include those left from the Boy's sleepover Friday night). So I am making that a priority today! I am going to refocus and recommit to washing clothes and cleaning house everyday, no more off days or leaving dishes in the sink overnight! The "Love" part is fine. I love my life, Love my Seahawks (Superbowl!!! Whoo Hooo!!!!!!!) And love my kids, getting ready for Sleepover round two this weekend to finish what they started last Friday! And the Hubs and I are set for a date night at Lowe's to pick out cabinets to go in the newly organized Laundry Room. The "sex" part is fine, we had a bit of a hitch (not that we didn't follow through we just had our first real fight (over pretty much nothing) of the year and well we (I) were in a cuddly mood not a two a day mood when we went to bed last night, (good thing for morning sex yesterday and husband who is great at cuddling).

In the midst of my dull-drums today, I sent a "pick me up" photo to the Hubs. Sometimes the thought of him getting my "pick me up photos" (if you don't know those are the kind you can't show your boss or anyone else) makes me giggle and smile a bit, picks me up too. I wonder who is with him?Does he blush or tell his work partners what was in that text message from the Wife? I feel like it was a pick me up for me more than him, sometimes. Him getting my topless photo, as much as I know he likes getting my fun photos at work, picks me up too especially when it is a day where I am getting in the tanning bed because I am feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and I am needing a pick me up, almost as much as it does him. I know it makes him smile, because he tells me sometimes with a fun text back and sometimes when we are sitting on the couch out of the blue just so I know he likes it. I think he knows if I know that he likes it I will do it more. Which, nothing could be more true!

So today folks tell your mate what you like.  What picks you up for the day. Can they help you out maybe when you get in a mood tell your spouse you need a pick me up and they can send your favorite quote or a topless photo or a cute animal pic what ever makes you smile. If you mate knows then they are armed the ability to be there even in the virtual world to make you smile! Because we all know the smiling is the second best thing to do with your lips!


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