Monday, January 19, 2015

Never Ever Give Up

Oh. My. Word. The Seahawks win in a comeback! (I know I have been talking a lot about football, it is a big deal!) They were down the whole game but never gave up and in the end with 4 minutes left when the Packers were resting on their lead (mailing it in) the Seahawks were still working at it and scored for the win!

Message of this is NEVER GIVE UP! Never ever give up! No matter how far down you are, how bad the chances look or how hard it will be, never give up! Football gives us a lot of metaphors and a lot of life lessons! The boy's football team tried to do this in their championship game. They were down by 20 and they came back in the last 4 minutes to lose 24-30. It was a sad loss but a day to be proud of with the comeback that they made. They never gave up, but came up short but had something to be proud about and to build on for the next year.

Jermaine Kearse score the winning touchdown. He had been targeted 6 times that ended in drops and/or interceptions. He had a rough day, he did not hang his head he went out there and focused and worked hard to catch that last pass in the End zone in overtime, while being interfered with at that! He only caught one pass and he caught the one that really mattered and won the game! What a comeback.

In our daily lives we have many opportunities to either decide to mail it in, give up or refocus and kick ass and make a difference. In the NFC Championship the Seahawks never gave up. There were fans who had given up on them and left early. (Bandwagoners, we call them) We stayed and believed. I always believe, I always stay. In everything. in my marriage and in my life there have been many times no one would have faulted me for walking away, leaving early, or giving up but I have decided I would rather work through it and get the win at the end of the day! Life is not always easy especially if you are married with a family where everyone is going in different directions. I was given advice from a friend of mine who had recently gone through a divorce. He said never give up it is always worth it! I am always down for a come back! The celebration is so worth it. 

Never give up, you will never know what you are capable of if you give up! You may come up short like our pee wee team did but you will still be able to say you did your best, you gave everything you had. You can give respect to you opponent when they win against your best efforts, and be proud of your best effort. It is so worth it to not give up! So, never give up! Never ever give up! Believe in yourself you may surprise you and you will be able to celebrate your win. (and I am sure you know how I will suggest you celebrate that win) This whole Sex Love and Washing Clothes thing for me is tough, I will not give up or throw in the towel I will continue everyday, some days I will be down (like not getting my blog in until 6pm but I will not give up!)

Go Hawks

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