Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Life is a Grind, Spice Up Your Hump Day

Today I am home sick. I am normally home but today is Wednesday and I usually go to the kid's school and volunteer. I make copies for the teachers or cut out papers or whatever needs to be done. I have no idea how teachers would do anything if they didn't have volunteers to help with these tasks which is why I feel so bad not going. It is kind of sad that they would not get paid to do all the extra copying and prepping and it is sad that some teachers don't get help and work so much more time for the same contract as those that have multiple volunteers. Anyway I could go off on this but for now will stop here, I am not ready to get into a political debate. Just, thank your kid's teachers and volunteer to help out even if you don't like to make copies the teachers need the help and no, they don't get paid for it nor do they get paid for summers off! 

As I said I am sick today. Yesterday was a busy day for me wrestling match, baked and decorated cupcakes for The Boy's birthday, took the Girl to a Dr appointment, took me to a Dr appointment, tried to clean and do laundry and did writing was a grinder of a day. Life is a grind! I have given myself tasks to follow through on for this month and year! Between Sex Love and Washing Clothes Bare Necessities (sex and house work every day, and writing everyday), diet: no carbs or alcohol for January, no sweets for January (I cheated yesterday with a few tastes of cake batter and sampling the frosting, it was so Divine) my organizing the house challenge and a weight loss challenge, it is a grind and it is tough! I am at the point to just say 'fuck it' this is too hard! But I am not going to! I want to prove to myself that I can do it! It may take me all year but I want to and will get organized around this house! And this spring and summer I plan to put on a swim suit show off my body and maybe even show off a nice tight stomach and what I call my tiger stripes (stretch marks) if I have nice abs I will rock a two piece and those stripes! (February's goal is working out more). I want to keep going and not give up "not because it is easy, because it is hard" as spoken by JFK. It is almost as much a motivation to keep going because I want to prove that I can. To prove my doubting self wrong, the it's too hard part, that I CAN do this! 

The plan for today is to take a nap I'm tired, from being sick I think. Then if I feel up to it I have a few cabinets in the kitchen that need to be finished then clothes that need folded. I need to make a grocery list and get supplies for the boys party and do the laundry room organization task. And prepare for the big cake job on Friday for The Boy's birthday!

As for the Sex part, (I know the Hubs feels this too but not sure if he really cares), I feel like it is a job. A fun job but something that I have to do and I like to don't get me wrong but my body/sex drive does not cooperate with Sex Love and Washing Clothes Bare Necessities the way I want it to. I struggle with having the desire to cuddle and go to sleep when I want my body to want to swing from chandeliers and have crazy sex everyday! We have had sex everyday for 13 days sometimes twice! We have always been "everyday people" but usually we'd have one or two nights a week where we would snuggle and go to sleep and then have morning sex instead but now it's knocking boots every night, which is great and I love it. In reality is, it is hard and it takes energy to do it! It is a commitment and it is work and I am proud that we have done it everyday (or night). I will not stop doing it everyday this whole year but to be honest, it seems like it has been many more than 13 days! They say 21 days is how long it takes to create a habit and I am guessing the time between 14-20 is the time many people drop off. I think that is because, I feel I have done pretty good here but, I feel like I am much more accomplished than 13 days and have so much more to go! Please don't get me wrong I am not trying to complain about have sex with my awesome love making partner, I do love it! We have a lot of fun, it is just something you have to do everyday like taking the kids to school or getting up to go to work or cooking, it is a grind (no pun intended) and it takes commitment and I am okay with that. We laugh more in 2015. We touch more and that is saying something we have always been a touchy couple. The Hubs even did laundry last night! It was such a turn on to watch him grab clothes from the dryer throw them on the Living room floor and then take the clothes from the washer and transfer to the dryer and then ask how much detergent to use in the washer, as if I am the expert. It was so sexy and cute. I hope I told him that yesterday in my craziness to get cupcakes done, make pizza for dinner (gotta love Papa Murphy's) print up bout sheet for wrestling....well, I guess I've told him now! ;)

 Anyway I love having sex everyday, even though it seems my body is working against me in the lubrication department (TMI?) and sometimes the climax department. I really am enjoying it. Tonight I want to think of something fun to do... I used to take Pole Dancing Lessons (miss them since my kids got more expensive and busy I had to stop) so I have a dance pole in my bedroom that the Hubs bought for me for my birthday one year. I think I will use it tonight. Not the climbing tricks I used to do, I am not quite in shape for that, but maybe a little dancing and posing around the pole, a little strip tease for him tonight (that means I have to clean up my bedroom too bonus!) That might be fun. How about a challenge for you ladies: dance/strip for your man tonight! (Men don't laugh or make her feel dumb, she is trying and needs encouragement, tell her how sexy she is and how turned on you are getting) Let me know how it goes. What song will you dance to I am going to pick a Linkin Park song. The Linkin Park album Living Things was a soundtrack for us one night when we had a great all night sex session (yes I said all night, it was amazing) so when played in our bedroom it always sets a fun tone! It is kind of upbeat so I may have to practice a few things with it before everyone comes home from work and school, I don't want to look unprepared (actually it won't matter the Hubs will love it anyway) Tell me what is your soundtrack for tonight (keep in mind your husband's likes. Don't pick your favorite song if it makes him want to claw his eyes, out that is just opening your self up to be disappointed. And Don't pick his favorite song if you can't stand it, find a common ground pick something you can move to and motivates you and makes you feel sexy). Put on your favorite matching bra and panties or sexy lingerie or just sweats and see what he does as you pull off you mom clothes in a sexy way tonight! Love it and enjoy! I will report back tomorrow! 

...I forget I am not feeling well but hey it's for a good cause right? Physical activity sometimes helps sickness. I have heard sex is good for you immune system (did a quick Google search first thing that comes up is a WebMD list 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex, 1. Sexually active people take less sick days) Have a great day and better night remember it is Hump Day! Happy Hump Day!


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