Hello Blogger Sex Love and Washing Clothes followers! I have moved to Sexloveandwashingclothes.com click over and follow. I need to figure out how to move this blog over to the new site but I am out of blogging time for today! Time to get real work done!
Sex Love and Washing Clothes
Ruby is "just a mom" trying to keep The Hubs and Kids happy and the house running smoothly. She is challenging herself to Have Sex, Love and Wash Clothes (aka clean house) everyday in 2015! She is writing about it everyday candidly and honestly as she journeys through #Everyday2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
OMG It has been a shitty day! The Hubs and I had an argument the other night and it seems to be lingering longer than it was welcome!
Let's review the Four Agreements:
1. Be Impeccable with your words.
2. Don't take things personally.
3. Don't make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.

Let's just leave it like that. This is a good book I hope the day is better for you all and myself after the Hub's late night class he teaches! I am so frustrated that I just can't even speak or put together a blog post.
Let's review the Four Agreements:
1. Be Impeccable with your words.
2. Don't take things personally.
3. Don't make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.
Let's just leave it like that. This is a good book I hope the day is better for you all and myself after the Hub's late night class he teaches! I am so frustrated that I just can't even speak or put together a blog post.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Time To Plan a Reboot!
Today is Sunday! It is the day of the Daytona 500! I used to be stoked about that day but we have got busy and NASCAR became kind of boring lately, or maybe it is just boring when you can't follow and keep up with it, it can be very time consuming because it is a long season. But it is something to occupy Sunday's when nothing else is going on (I miss football) and you know me any reason to have a party! I think I will be going to get wings and snacks for the race, yes it has started already but it is the Daytona 500 it will be on for a while!
Today I am having a feeling that I don't want to do anything. I am having a hard time getting motivated. I just want to hang with my family. I have bridal shower for a great close and wonderful friend but I am not feeling social at all. I wonder if I can take her out for lunch or for drinks or something one day to make up for it. I have been busy and this weekend if you are a regular reader you have heard and seen with my late posts (9pm last night) is shows how busy I was. I think my friend will understand, I just don't know if I will. This is the struggle I have a lot of times. It is an important day, your bridal shower day, but family is important and I haven't had time with the Hubs or the boy at all this weekend, and next weekend the Girl and I will be at a dance convention so probably won't see them next week either. I need some quality time with them. But my friend will only have one Bridal Shower, ever but I am pretty sure she knows the struggle and always is understanding. She is one who I feel is honest with me when she can't make something happen with me and I can be honest with her too. Anyway I will be contemplating this all day.
I have had a lot going on and love it. However, I want some down time. I want a day that the Hubs and I can just lay in bed all day. When we have those days, we don't just lay in bed all day, we fuck, we make love, and we have sex. Yes those are pretty much the same thing but are also very different! I love the days you don't have to decide which one you will have to do. You can have crazy mad love take a cuddle break and then just be raw and fuck and then repeat as desired, and then, right before you get up at 5 pm or so, you can end it with "Let's have sex one last time" just to finish off. I want that day where we have no kids home or even coming home. Where we get up at 5 pm right before we get ready to go out to dinner and a date then come home and have crazy mad fucking love again before we go to sleep. Maybe even have some outdoor naked time... just have more than 24 hours to do nothing unless we want to and have no responsibilities! Grams and Gramps will be home from AZ soon and I am sure we can talk to them about taking the kiddos for a weekend or so, wonder if I can talk the Hubs into letting the Boy skip a Saturday Baseball practice....
A mini vacation to Vegas or Portland would be fun too. We have to decide do we want to take some of the time to drive or fly to a location or just to be lazy... Hmmm.... But then we would have to pay for it too...
I think this may sound like I am complaining. I am just having a rough time and I think a little vacation or break might be needed! I love my life, being a stay at home mom (soon to be part time working mom), having my kids busy and being proud of them, taking care of the house being there to give the Hubs a kiss when he comes in the door ... I do love everything about my life. Sometimes we all get overwhelmed and I am starting to realize that, I need a reboot! We all do. Sometimes we need to get creative to make it happen due to schedules, finances, kids, jobs etc. But bottom line, I am right there needing that reboot. I need to make it happen ASAP before things get too bad and I end up hating my life or at least before I get resentful about all the things that stress me out! So in the next month I need to make my reboot happen! I need to make that a priority because if I need it, I bet the Hubs does too!
Time to plan a reboot and be able to be 100% happy in my life and not make excuses to not participate with people I love and in activities that I love because I am overwhelmed! Plan to succeed in life and right now to succeed a reboot is necessary! Even just the planning will help relieve the stress and overwhelm feeling, just don't over plan and make that stressful (I never do that...yes, that was sarcasm). Basically I need to plan a weekend for the 'Rents to take the kiddos the rest will just happen! Happy Rebooting folks! Today I will just be, and not beat myself for the things I cannot do. I am only one person I do need to take care of me and the rest will understand! Love you all and Happy Bridal Shower Day to my friend!
P.S. This was kind of a ramble today... I know that it is a bit of a bi-product of how I am feeling overwhelmed and not 100% into anything lately. Hope you enjoy it and I have a hunch many of you can relate, which is why you read in the first place, right?
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Childlike Excitement
Oh my word! What a Saturday today was. I had planned on getting up early, catching up on house work, publishing my blog and then tackle this busy day. Well was up a little to late last night and fell into the temptation to just sleep in until I absolutely had to get up. So I publish my blog at 9pm which is kind of fun and interestingly different perspective of my day. I kind of like it!
Today the Girl got her first Demi Point Shoes. Demi point is also sometimes called Pre-Point. It is the shoe you get when you are dancing well enough to train to be on Point. It was a very emotionally proud mommy day. I was on the verge of tears a few times. So proud of the work she has put in. So proud of the excitement and dedication she has put into her dance. She is the same little girl who loved to dance on stage on the very first performance she was in.
Her very first stage performance was with a Mommy and Me Class. The Girl was 2. We did a Freestyle Scarf Dance to My Favorite Things. The Moms were in a circle and we waved the scarves around and let the kiddos run around and wave their scarves too, they were so cute. The Girl and her Bestie in that class bumped into each other as they danced around. As everyone in the audience clapped at the finish The Girl was the last one to exit the stage because she stopped and clapped with the audience! It was so cute! Her smile and excitement was and still is contagious! We had created a monster
I hope she continues that excitement and contagious energy in everything she does. It makes me so proud to watch her grow in dance and in life! As much as I loved having babies and every stage since I am still enjoying my school age kids just as much. It is a true blessing to watch them grow and move through the stages of life! I will never be sad about it I will just enjoy the moment and cherish those memories!
Stay in your life everyone. Enjoy it as much as a child enjoys every minute. My kids are getting to the age where the innocent child like enjoyment of life starts to be altered with embarrassment and the idea of knowing someone else is watching them and they might look funny. The Girl and The Boy have both had moments where they filter their behavior because the know someone is watching them and they might be scared of what the people might think, but I still get to seethe moments they still have that childlike excitement and just live out loud like no one is watching. Those moments they are dancing like no one is watching. We should all "dance" like no one is watching! Finish your weekend (and live your life) like a child, like you don't know that anyone is watching. Enjoy, smile, laugh and be silly! Stop and clap with the audience because you are that awesome!
Today the Girl got her first Demi Point Shoes. Demi point is also sometimes called Pre-Point. It is the shoe you get when you are dancing well enough to train to be on Point. It was a very emotionally proud mommy day. I was on the verge of tears a few times. So proud of the work she has put in. So proud of the excitement and dedication she has put into her dance. She is the same little girl who loved to dance on stage on the very first performance she was in.
Her very first stage performance was with a Mommy and Me Class. The Girl was 2. We did a Freestyle Scarf Dance to My Favorite Things. The Moms were in a circle and we waved the scarves around and let the kiddos run around and wave their scarves too, they were so cute. The Girl and her Bestie in that class bumped into each other as they danced around. As everyone in the audience clapped at the finish The Girl was the last one to exit the stage because she stopped and clapped with the audience! It was so cute! Her smile and excitement was and still is contagious! We had created a monster
I hope she continues that excitement and contagious energy in everything she does. It makes me so proud to watch her grow in dance and in life! As much as I loved having babies and every stage since I am still enjoying my school age kids just as much. It is a true blessing to watch them grow and move through the stages of life! I will never be sad about it I will just enjoy the moment and cherish those memories!
Stay in your life everyone. Enjoy it as much as a child enjoys every minute. My kids are getting to the age where the innocent child like enjoyment of life starts to be altered with embarrassment and the idea of knowing someone else is watching them and they might look funny. The Girl and The Boy have both had moments where they filter their behavior because the know someone is watching them and they might be scared of what the people might think, but I still get to seethe moments they still have that childlike excitement and just live out loud like no one is watching. Those moments they are dancing like no one is watching. We should all "dance" like no one is watching! Finish your weekend (and live your life) like a child, like you don't know that anyone is watching. Enjoy, smile, laugh and be silly! Stop and clap with the audience because you are that awesome!
Friday, February 20, 2015
Busy Friday... Late post
Today's post is late because I have been busy. I had a great coffee with the ladies/Intro to Young Living Essential Oils Class that I taught. Now I am heading to pick up used bowling pins for wrestler end of season gifts (team mom job) then we have baseball practice (I am also team mom) and another Young Living class... Then kids to Grandma and Date with the Hubs!
As I listened in my second Young Living class today, taught by my team leader, I use her notes when I teach, we say a lot of the same things and I got a reminder of things I had forgotten about. Was fun to spend some time with new people learning about how oils can enhance our lives. I also noticed an interesting energy that got me emotional as she spoke about wearing some of the oils over her heart. I am going to try to use my oils more consistently and try to avoid the meds I blogged about this earlier this week. Maybe it will work for me (disclaimer Essential Oils and/or reps cannot and do not diagnose or treat any medical conditions, see your doctor before going off or avoiding any prescribed meds I am not a doctor do not think I know it all, I am just a mom with an opinion and an ego).
I had a Zyto Scan which scans your energy field gives you oily suggestions to help re-balance and I had something like 37 things out of balance and the Zyto suggestion was Brain Power and Peppermint <SHOCKING>. I have both and I use them a lot. However recently I have forgotten to use my Brain Power and usually use Peppermint as a driver oil on everything else. Shocking that I would forget to use Brain Power, right?! Not really that shocking!
Anyway there is my day and now my blog. I am going to go be present with my husband and kids until we drop the kids off with Grandma! Yay for Grandma sleepovers! Then later we are going to try some more moves from our new book! I am so excited to have no kids tonight...(I can use my Seahawks voice hehe)
Whew! Thank goodness for my coffee dates today and new oily friends! And for the Hubs for understanding my struggling this week and being patient about my craziness! I love him Happy Friday Everyone!!!!
Hope you have some good weekend sex!
Thursday, February 19, 2015
"X-Rated" Your Hump Day Challenge A Day Late
Happy Thursday Happy Day after Hump Day and a Hump Day Challenge. Last night the Hubs and I went on our "Date Night" I believe every couple should have a once a week date night. Even if it has to be date night in your living room. For Date Night this week we went to the mall and to our favorite restaurant Silver City (highly recommend Silver City Restaurant and Brewery) We had to go to the mall to get my glasses fixed and wondered a bit. Any reason to go to Silverdale for a meal at Silver City is all we need to make it our date night adventure! Love that place!
While in the mall we strolled through Spencer's. I heard someone say the other day that Spencer's has sex toys and books in there. I mentioned that I wanted to get sex dice for this week's Hump Day Challenge, so the Hub's suggested we go there and check the place out. I am glad we did. We not only found sex dice. (Did you know there are many different types of Sex dice?) We also found a book called 365 Sex Moves by Randi Foxx. I have never heard of this book before or Randi Foxx but this book called to me! Duh, obviously it would because I am doing Sex Love and Washing Clothes everyday...365 days of sex so of course I want a 365 Sex Moves book! I grabbed it and flipped through it first
There are not only 365 creative, enticing and fun sex moves in multiple positions there are some amazing photos of each move and there are some great explanations of each move as well! All have very creative titles like 'Deep "C" Dive' 'Rock, Scissors, Pleasure' Parallel Parking' 'Peaks and Valley' for a few examples and are all numbered by day so I figured out that yesterday was the 50th day of the year so we tried the 50th move called X-rated. This is your Hump Day Challenge Here is the explanation from the book: "She's on her side with her legs apart. He comes up to meet her in a slightly reclined pose. They lace their legs under and over, making and "X". Penetration angles can be altered with the slightest of movements." Great explanation right? It was fun to try and it was great to have a picture to help, This is your Hump Day Challenge for this week. I was going to make it more detailed but really how can I get more detailed than that? I did a quick Google search for a website for Randi Foxx and did not find one so here is a picture of the book and you can choose your own way of finding or purchasing it, if you'd like.
There are some really great moves in this book. There are so many things I want to try! I will be referring to this book for inspiration for this blog as well as to add spice to my sex life and to keep Sex Love and Washing Clothes everyday interesting. If only someone could write a book so intriguing about Washing Clothes, with pictures as good, my life would be heaven. ....hey, I think I just got an idea for my first book (wink).
So there you have it X-rated try it see how you like it. I am going to try it again and adjust for positioning of my bum hip. I will figure it out before the end of this year...or my hip will get better! I can't wait to try another new move! I am so excited! Have a great day my friends! Enjoy!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
All We Need Is Love...Right?
(OMG I just went on this whole rant and forgot it is Wednesday which means Hump Day Challenge...oops. This week's Hump Day Challenge will be tomorrow, my bad I have real work to do around my house and errands, tomorrow folks....it will be good I promise)
Happy Ash Wednessday! (do people say that I hope i am not offending anyone) Now, I am not Catholic but I am giving up white flour and sugary carbs and candy for lent! I have already kept myself from consuming an English muffin and Nutella this morning for lent. I am so out of control with my food issues that I need something to commit to and rules to follow to make good food choices. After Easter (which is when lent ends right?) I will make slow reintroduction and not over indulge in theses types of foods or use them to comfort and/or calm my emotions...that's gonna take work for now I will just follow my lent rules. I could have promise to do laundry everyday...oh weight I already did that...LOL
A week and a half to two weeks from now I will be a part time working full time mom. The Hubs reminded me of that and I got this depressed feeling that over came me. I don't know if I will ever like that Working mom or part time title nor will I ever get my house running like the well oil machine that I want. My Doc yesterday suggested I try taking sertraline an oral medication to help with what she calls my "overwhelm" and to see if helps me over the hump. I am scared to death to take depression drugs. My Doc says I have this overwhelm which leads to anxiety about what is not getting done which leads to depression. Ok, makes sense but is there really a magic pill? Do I have to take it?
I am scared it is going to cause me to have horrible thoughts of suicide which it says has happened in some users or that I am going to forget to take it and go on a crazy killing spree like in an article that I have read about. In said article the author referred to every mass killing suspect has been on some sort of mental health drug. Which is the reason I took myself off Ritalin for my ADD (I think on ly one was related to Ritalin). I hate the pharmaceutical option for every single ailment we have in this day and age! I want to wake up and be normal and do what I want because the human body is a miraculous thing and works so well or does it? I don't want to have to take drugs or even supplements. I use Essential Oils which are great but once again I don't want to have to take something every day! However I would like to feel "normal" and not need to use food or drink for comfort or argue with my self to get out and run and clean my house and do what I need to do....
I want to believe I can regulate my moods and everyone can fix there problems with diet, exercise, natural things from the earth like essential oils ect... Problem being you actually have to eat right, exercise. What about if your ailment is a problem in the actual get up and go, to do what is right then what the fuck is a person to do? And how about those of us who forget to take their meds? ...Oh my gosh this whole writing might be convincing me that I do need to be on something to be normal! But how is "normal" taking drugs to regulate or alter your brains chemistry?! Can we adjust our lives, our expectations of people to accept them the way they are rather than force them to be "normal"? If we all could go with the flow and pick up the slack where the others leave and not get bitter about it....Fuck that will never happen, we do need medications so that we crazies don't irritate the normals of the world. Or are the normals of the world the ones who need to be medicated or at least be less irritated?!
Tolerance is what we need. Regulation is what we need. Balance is what we need! Maybe some of us need outside help, in the form of correct nutrition, essential oils or supplements or even medication to achieve that balance. I am currently struggling with ego right now, I think! I hate the whole trial and error with meds. I just want an easy answer. I am encouraged to know many of my fellow "crazies" (please don't take offense to that term it is very much a term of endearment) have used medication and have normalized their life and many have only had to use them to get over a hump, which if I do finally decide to try the meds this will be my intentional plan as well. To the normals of the world please understand, to us crazies you are the ones who are crazy. We can't figure out how you are normal. We love you very much and we pray that we could be more like you everyday, but know that together we create balance. Let's be nicer to each other and understand each others world as much as possible and then maybe just maybe, then we could lose the label of crazies and normals and just be humans. We all have challenges, lets love each other out of them, instead of medicating each other out of them!
All we need is love, ditch the ego. Fuck stress have more sex...(I have wanted to use that line for weeks it seemed to fit here) Have a great rest of the day lovely's!
Happy Ash Wednessday! (do people say that I hope i am not offending anyone) Now, I am not Catholic but I am giving up white flour and sugary carbs and candy for lent! I have already kept myself from consuming an English muffin and Nutella this morning for lent. I am so out of control with my food issues that I need something to commit to and rules to follow to make good food choices. After Easter (which is when lent ends right?) I will make slow reintroduction and not over indulge in theses types of foods or use them to comfort and/or calm my emotions...that's gonna take work for now I will just follow my lent rules. I could have promise to do laundry everyday...oh weight I already did that...LOL
A week and a half to two weeks from now I will be a part time working full time mom. The Hubs reminded me of that and I got this depressed feeling that over came me. I don't know if I will ever like that Working mom or part time title nor will I ever get my house running like the well oil machine that I want. My Doc yesterday suggested I try taking sertraline an oral medication to help with what she calls my "overwhelm" and to see if helps me over the hump. I am scared to death to take depression drugs. My Doc says I have this overwhelm which leads to anxiety about what is not getting done which leads to depression. Ok, makes sense but is there really a magic pill? Do I have to take it?
I am scared it is going to cause me to have horrible thoughts of suicide which it says has happened in some users or that I am going to forget to take it and go on a crazy killing spree like in an article that I have read about. In said article the author referred to every mass killing suspect has been on some sort of mental health drug. Which is the reason I took myself off Ritalin for my ADD (I think on ly one was related to Ritalin). I hate the pharmaceutical option for every single ailment we have in this day and age! I want to wake up and be normal and do what I want because the human body is a miraculous thing and works so well or does it? I don't want to have to take drugs or even supplements. I use Essential Oils which are great but once again I don't want to have to take something every day! However I would like to feel "normal" and not need to use food or drink for comfort or argue with my self to get out and run and clean my house and do what I need to do....
I want to believe I can regulate my moods and everyone can fix there problems with diet, exercise, natural things from the earth like essential oils ect... Problem being you actually have to eat right, exercise. What about if your ailment is a problem in the actual get up and go, to do what is right then what the fuck is a person to do? And how about those of us who forget to take their meds? ...Oh my gosh this whole writing might be convincing me that I do need to be on something to be normal! But how is "normal" taking drugs to regulate or alter your brains chemistry?! Can we adjust our lives, our expectations of people to accept them the way they are rather than force them to be "normal"? If we all could go with the flow and pick up the slack where the others leave and not get bitter about it....Fuck that will never happen, we do need medications so that we crazies don't irritate the normals of the world. Or are the normals of the world the ones who need to be medicated or at least be less irritated?!
Tolerance is what we need. Regulation is what we need. Balance is what we need! Maybe some of us need outside help, in the form of correct nutrition, essential oils or supplements or even medication to achieve that balance. I am currently struggling with ego right now, I think! I hate the whole trial and error with meds. I just want an easy answer. I am encouraged to know many of my fellow "crazies" (please don't take offense to that term it is very much a term of endearment) have used medication and have normalized their life and many have only had to use them to get over a hump, which if I do finally decide to try the meds this will be my intentional plan as well. To the normals of the world please understand, to us crazies you are the ones who are crazy. We can't figure out how you are normal. We love you very much and we pray that we could be more like you everyday, but know that together we create balance. Let's be nicer to each other and understand each others world as much as possible and then maybe just maybe, then we could lose the label of crazies and normals and just be humans. We all have challenges, lets love each other out of them, instead of medicating each other out of them!
All we need is love, ditch the ego. Fuck stress have more sex...(I have wanted to use that line for weeks it seemed to fit here) Have a great rest of the day lovely's!
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